What kind of books do you buy?

We buy all genres of books except textbooks or encyclopedias, but are pretty selective with specific titles as well as with condition. Feel free to send us an email or call us ahead of time to inquire about specific books. Any books with a creased spine, underlinings, dog-eared pages, or a strong odour will likely be bought at a reduction or not at all.

How much do you pay?

We generally offer ~20-25% of the price that we will sell the book for. This is usually different from the original book price and depends on condition, how often it comes through the store, and how quickly we think it will sell. If you prefer to be paid in store credit, we will raise our offer by 25%.

When and how should I bring books in?

Bring your books in at your convenience. A book buyer will be in most days. If no one is available to look at them, you can leave the books with your name and phone number and we will call you back as soon as they have been assessed. This usually takes a day or two at most. If you wish to have your books assessed on the spot, we recommend calling ahead to verify that a book buyer will be in.

Please pack your books neatly in sturdy boxes, as we must be able to store them in an organized manner. This means that the boxes must be able to close and are strong enough to stack on top of each other.

What happens to the books you don't want?

Remaining books that we are not interested in can either be taken back or donated to the store, depending on our current capacity. If you wish to donate any remaining books, please notify us in advance so we can ensure that we have room.


What kind of records do you buy?

We buy all genres of records, although we rarely buy compilations and soundtracks, and are pretty selective with specific titles as well as with condition. Feel free to send us an email or call us ahead of time to inquire about specific records. Records with scratches, warping, or other condition issues will likely be bought at a reduction or not at all.

How much do you pay?

We generally offer ~20-25% of the price that we will sell the record for. This is usually different from the original record price and depends on the condition, how often it comes through the store, and how quickly we think it will sell. If you prefer to be paid in store credit, we will raise our offer by 25%.

When and how should I bring records in?

Bring your records in at your convenience. A buyer will be in most days. If no one is available to look at them, you can leave them with your name and phone number and we will call you back as soon as they have been assessed. This usually takes a day or two at the most. If you wish to have your records assessed on the spot, we recommend calling ahead to verify that a buyer will be in.

Please pack your records neatly in sturdy boxes or crates, as we must be able to store them in an organized manner.

What happens to the records you don't want?

Remaining records that we are not interested in can either be taken back or donated to the store, depending on our current capacity. We make regular donations with items that we have acquired. If you wish to donate any remaining items, please notify us in advance so we can ensure that we have room.


We also purchase CDs, DVDs, turntables, typewriters, board games, toys, and other small antique items.

For CDs and DVDs, feel free to bring them in as you would with books or records.

For any other items, please either call us or send us an email with as many details as you can to ensure that we can properly research its value.